Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some days I need a sign...

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Last night I attended a Team in Training event.  It was a combination celebration for all the athletes that completed events this past season, and a kick off for all new athletes starting their training for the current season.  I was in the unique position of fitting in both groups in different ways.  I was celebrating finishing my first season as a Team in Training cycling coach, having coached some amazing athletes to finishes at America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride in Lake Tahoe, and I was also kicking off my training as a participant this season preparing to run the Chicago Marathon in October.

As part of the program, everyone gave a little information into their background and whether or not this was their first time with TnT, or their first endurance event.  For the great majority of people, it was not their first event.  Many people had multiple endurance finishes, and/or multiple TnT experiences. This led the Campaign Manager, Naomi, to remark how most of us are overachievers. This simple remark started a chain of thoughts through my head.  I began to wonder why we are like this?  I know I can be.  If a little is good, a lot is better. If I can run a 5K, why not a 10K? A half ironman? Why not Ironman Wisconsin? And on, and on.

I wondered why do I need more?  Why can't I be happy with what I have accomplished, rather than always wanting more? Every major world religion, and most of the minor ones, have strong beliefs about the importance of gratitude. The belief that the way to have an abundance of good things is to be grateful for what you have.  This can be a difficult concept in today's society.  Trying to keep up with people we know, wanting the newest and best technology, more money, a better relationship, all the things that we see in others.  It's easy to get caught up in that game.  But no matter what, that's a game we can't win.  Because even when we get what we think we want, there is always something bigger or better. So, what is the answer?  I think for me, the answer is understanding that if I'm grateful for what I have instead of envious of what I don't have, my life will be happier and more fulfilling.

This is a concept that is much easier to say than to put into practice.  And that is the operative word here... "practice". 

prac-tice: (verb) Perform an activity or exercise a skill repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.  

I need to spend a few minutes every day just being thankful for the things I have.  My health, my children, my friends, my job.  The things that I have and tend to take for granted are the things that so many other people dream of and wish they had.  

Do your best to practice an attitude of gratitude.


Please consider a's easier than chemotherapy!



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