The title of this one should say it all. I'll try not to take up too much time, but wanted to share a thought or two.
2013 was pretty cool. In addition to Escaping from Alcatraz, PR'ing a Half Ironman, and finishing the Chicago Marathon, I also got the opportunity with Team in Training to Coach for the first time (amazing experience), visit Europe for the first time (seriously broadened my horizons and made me realize the world is a really small place), and really test my limits with a team doing my first GORUCK Challenge and learned I'm stronger than I ever imagined and that things can always be worse. I also registered for Yoga Life and Teacher Training with Yoga Shelter to take place in Mexico this spring. All in all one of the best years of my life at 43 years old.
So, I started thinking, what do I want to do in 2014? What should make my list of resolutions and things to accomplish this year? I've been mulling this over for a while now, and today it finally hit me. There is only one thing I want to accomplish. Only one resolution, and it's really pretty simple.
I want to be kinder to myself.
This year I resolve to be my own best friend. If other people talked to me the way I talk to myself, how long would I let them stay in my life? Probably not very long. I am my own worst critic. This year I will talk to myself more positive and less negative.
I resolve to spend time with the right people. People who lift me up, not tear me down. Not only the people I want to be with, but the people that want to be with me. They are the ones that usually see my worth more than I do.
I resolve to stop feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes bad or sad things happen for a reason. Sometimes there is no reason. Either way, feeling sorry for myself never solves the problem or helps the situation.
I resolve to encourage myself. To do things I never thought I could, to try new things that will broaden my horizons. To believe in myself.
Ahimsa. It is a term that basically means "do not injure" It is a philosophy of non violence in word, thought and deed. That sounds like a very noble cause. But it has to start from within. My resolution is to make sure that my words, thoughts and deeds are kind to me.
Simple, right? Simple isn't always easy. Happy 2014 everyone! Make it great!